Home Lifestyle Two blondes wanted to open the car locked

Two blondes wanted to open the car locked

Two blondes wanted to open the car locked

Two blondes were shopping at the mall.

When they were done they went to their car, a fantastic convertible with leather upholstery, but found they had the keys locked in the car.

So they both kinds of stood there and thought for a while. Then one of the girls had the brilliant idea of opening the car with a hanger, so she started playing with the lock.

The other blonde looked up at the sky, became very worried, and pleaded, “Hurry, hurry! It’s going to rain and we left the top down!”

Did you laugh?

A blonde mom is cooking dinner when her blonde daughter walks in

A blonde mom is cooking dinner when her blonde daughter walks in

The daughter asks, “Mom, why do people think we blondes are stupid?”

Her mother replies, “I’ll show you”, and taps hard on the kitchen counter.

Somewhat confused, the blonde daughter says, “Someone’s at the door!”.




The blonde mother laughs. “This is why people think we’re stupid. Now watch over the stove for me while I answer the door.”