Home Lifestyle Three blondes went to the forest.

Three blondes went to the forest.

These three blondes were going to purchase a Christmas tree but they then decided to go into the forest to chop down a real one.

The first blonde said, “I don’t care how long it takes us, I want a perfect tree.”

The other two blondes agreed to say, “We won’t leave until we find the right one.”

Three days later they were still searching.



The first blonde looked at her two tired and hungry friends and said, “I promise the next tree we come across we’ll chop it down and take it home and I won’t care if it’s decorated for Christmas or not.

LoLLL, did you laugh? we hope you enjoy it!

Two blondes wanted to open their car.

There were two blondes at a car park and locked their car with the hood open so when they went out to put their chips in the car.

They tried to open the door, but it was stuck.

The 2nd blonde said “try busting the door open”

The 1st blonde said “No I don’t want to smudge the paint on the car.

So the 2nd blonde suggested “Let’s ask the cop over there”

So the 1st blonde asked him and the cop said “sure why not”.

The cop says to both of the blondes “the hood is open and the windows are down”



The blondes say “WE KNOW! we just want to get the car unlocked”.