Solve the equation in your head
Here we have a simple math equation, it is important, however, to keep track of the order of operations you learned in school. It’s crucial to complete the task. Below you can see the problem.
1 + 1 + 1 – 1 x 2 – 0 =?
Do you remember how to solve it? If not, we’ll show you the answer after the image below.
Here is the correct answer
The solution to the equation is 1. How did we get that result, you ask?
The first part of the problem to solve is multiplication: 1 x 2.
Then all that remains is: 1 + 1 + 1 – 2 – 0. This means 3 – 2, and that equals 1.
In the end, solving this equation is quite easy. However, you must start by calculating the multiplication – and not everyone remembers that.
Did you solve it on your own?