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Invite calculation geniuses!

Solving a riddle provides numerous benefits.

It sharpens critical thinking and enhances problem-solving skills by challenging your brain to think creatively and logically. This mental exercise boosts memory, concentration, and cognitive flexibility. Successfully solving a riddle gives a sense of achievement, increasing self-esteem and confidence. It also offers a stress-relieving break, diverting your mind from daily worries.

Sharing riddles can strengthen social connections and improve communication. Regularly engaging with riddles keeps your mind active and sharp, potentially delaying cognitive decline with age. Overall, riddles are a fun and effective way to enhance mental agility and well-being.

Check the riddle below:

Can you solve the last equation in the puzzle above?

Finding the solution to this problem requires both creative and analytical thinking.

Scroll down to reveal the correct answer along with an explanation.




Check the answer below:

27 is the answer.

Solve If You Are A Genius – The Correct Answer Explained

How is your mind focused? Train your brain by trying to solve this math test.

Are you smart enough to ace this question without looking up the answer below? Brainteasers like this one will sharpen your mental focus, boost your memory power and generally improve your brain functions. It’s never a bad idea to keep your mental tools sharp.

If you are stuck, you can scroll down the list to see the answer. Are you ready for the challenge? Do it!

This emoji math puzzle is going viral and being shared with claims like “only a genius can solve it” or “99 percent fail.”

Can you figure it out?

What is your answer?





In this video, we present what many people believe to be the correct answer.







2 + 3 + 3 x 11 = ??

2 + 3 + 33 = ?

= 38

The correct answer is 38. 

Did you solve it?