Home History I’m a grandfather!

I’m a grandfather!

My daughter was working for the American Embassy in Australia when she was expecting her first child.

I was so happy when she texted me with the news.

“I’m a grandfather!” I said to my coworkers.

“When was she born?” somebody queried.



Recalling the date she told me, I thought for a minute and said in a calm voice, “Tomorrow!”


Two elderly men were frustrated about the woes of modern technology

A couple of elderly men were venting their frustrations about the woes of modern technology.

“I just can’t ever seem to remember my darn passwords,” grumbled one of them.

The other one smiled. “Oh really? I can never forget mine!”

“How do you manage it?” asked the first guy curiously.



“Well, I simply set all my passwords to ‘Incorrect’ so that whenever I’m told that my password is incorrect, I’ll remember it!”