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I miss my Mother.

I miss my mother. The loss of your mother, no matter how old you are, changes your life forever. Your mother is your first and forever friend. You never really get over the loss, but you learn to live with it. She is never far away from your thoughts, and she is always in your heart.

Losing a mother is a pain that cannot be described in words. It is virtually impossible to forget the memory of the loss of the woman who sacrificed happiness in her own life so that you could have a better one. The love of a mother is truly irreplaceable. I wish I could say losing a mother is getting easier, but it isn’t. I still miss her every day.

My mind knows you are in a better place mom, where there is no pain. And you are at peace. I understand, but I just wish I could explain to my heart. Dear mother, in life we loved you very much, in death we still love you. You have a place in our hearts that no one else will ever fill.

Even though my mother has passed away; her love always guides me. And although I can’t see her; she is always by my side. Mothers never leave, they walk beside us every day … unseen, unheard, but always near, still loved, still missed, and very dear.