Home Lifestyle How Much Did He Make?

How Much Did He Make?

The riddle below has caused thousands of people to tear their hair out because they can’t manage to solve the task. It is anything but easy, but if you concentrate and take your time, I know you can solve it.

How Much Did He Make?

Here comes today’s test. Below, we can see a picture.

The challenge is thus the following:

A man buys a goat for $60. Then sells it for $70. Then he buys it back at $80 but sells it again for $90. How much did he make? 

Can you come up with the answer? Think carefully, read the task a few times. We’ll show you the correct answer after the picture below.




Here is the correct answer

The correct answer is $20.

How do we get there?

He made $20. $10 the first time, $70 – $60 = $10, and $10 the second time, $90 – $80 = $10, for a total of $20.

Did you solve it on your own? Congratulations on that case!

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