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Custody of Children.

An old mountaineer and his young ex-wife were fighting over custody of their children.

The mother protested that since she brought her kids into this world, she should retain custody of them.

The judge asked the old mountaineer for his side of the story.

After a long moment of silence, the mountaineer rose from his chair and asked, “Judge, when I put a quarter in a candy machine and a candy bar comes out, does it belong to me or the machine?”

Intelligent Husband!

Wife is busy packing her clothes.

Man: And where are you going?

Wife: I’m moving to my mother.

Husband also starts packing.

Wife: And where do you think your going?

Husband: I’m also moving to my mother.

Wife: And what about the kids?

Husband: Well if you are moving to your mother and I’m moving to my mother then I guess they must also move to their mother.

A Successful Marriage

A couple had been married for 45 years and had raised a brood of 11 children and were blessed with 22 grandchildren.

When asked the secret for staying together all that time, the wife replies, “Many years ago we made a promise to each other: the first one to pack up and leave has to take all the kids.”

A couple with three children waited in line at San Francisco’s Pier 41 to purchase tickets for a boat trip to Alcatraz.

Others watched with varying degrees of sympathy and irritation as the young children fidgeted, whined, and punched one another. The frazzled parents reprimanded them to no avail.

Finally they reached the ticket window. “Five tickets, please,” the father said.

“Two round trip, three one way.”