Home Lifestyle Can you figure out which cup of coffee gets filled up first?

Can you figure out which cup of coffee gets filled up first?

This riddle is causing celebrities, students and teachers alike a bit of confusion and deep thinking as everyone tries to figure out which cup of coffee fills up first.

Can you figure out which cup of coffee gets filled up first without looking at the answer below?


You have 1 minutes to find the answer…

which cup of coffee gets filled up first without looking at the answer below?

Have you made your decision?It may be different than your first guess!

Now, scroll down to see the answer:







After thousands and thousands of guesses, the correct answer was discovered to be cup #5.

The fifth cup is the only cup that does not have a pipe that is blocked off, so it is the only cup that will receive any coffee.

We hope you enjoyed this puzzle.

Have a beautiful day. You are loved.


Riddle me this: I have a head and a tail that will never meet.

If you’re a fan of riddles you’re probably familiar with “what am I?” riddles. Put your smarts to the test with these tricky ones that only the most intelligent will be able to solve.

I have a head and a tail that will never meet. Having too many of me is always a treat. What am I?







Answer: a coin