Home Lifestyle Can spot the cat hiding among the logs?

Can spot the cat hiding among the logs?

Anyone who’s lived with a cat knows they’re experts at hiding in little nooks for naps — but a cat hiding in plain sight?

it took us forever to find the furry lil’ guy among the many logs.

Now it’s your turn to try your hand at the puzzle. See if you can spot the cat in the photo below:

Do you see the hidden cat?

If not, that’s OK.

Keep trying.

Here’s a hint.

It’s near the center of the pic.

If you want to see the solution, keep scrolling.

Last chance to turn back!

Here it is:




Only a genius can spot the Daisy!

In this busy scene, there is a hidden daisy, Can you spot it?

It has taken the average player 17 seconds to find – with the record currently sitting at 10 seconds.

So, can you beat it? Scroll down for the answer… but no cheating!

Did you find the daisy?

Need a few more minutes?

We’ll give you some more time …

Found them yet?


We’ll give you one last shot.



Ready to see where it’s hidden?

Alright, here it is: