Home Lifestyle An old man goes to the doctor for his asthma

An old man goes to the doctor for his asthma

An old man goes to the doctor for his asthma

“Help me”, he says, “I think I might be asthmatic because I feel very hard to breathe”

The doctor performs a couple of tests and tells him, “From now on, I want you to sleep with your windows wide open, okay? And see me in two weeks later”

2 weeks later the man comes to the doctor again.

The doctor asks him, “So, did you follow my recommendation?”

“Yes sir, I slept with my windows wide open every night.”

“And what about your asthma? Did it disappear?”



“No, but my watch, my laptop, and my television did…”

A Blonde lady went to a salon to dress her hair.

A Blonde lady went to a salon to dress her hair.

While dressing her hair, she noticed a handsome man sitting quietly in the shop.

Suddenly the lady turned to the man and said Mr.,

you are so handsome can we meet later today?

The man replied “I got married”

The woman continued; “and so? You can just tell your wife you’re going to visit a friend in the hospital and from there”……



and the man replied: “Tell her yourself, she’s the one dressing your hair”.

Did you laugh? we hope this joke made your day, enjoy it!