Home History Husband And Wife Playing Game

Husband And Wife Playing Game

WIFE: Honey let’s play a game.

HUSBAND: Okay. What’s the game about?

WIFE: If I mention a country, you run to the left side of the room and touch the wall; if I say a bird, you run to the right side and touch the wall. If you run in the wrong direction, you’ll give me all your salary for this month.

HUSBAND: Okay! And if you fail in your turn, I’ll have your salary too right?

WIFE: (smiles) Yes darling!

HUSBAND: Okay (stands up ready to run in any direction)

WIFE: Are you ready?

HUSBAND: Yes, ready!


It’s been 4 HOURS NOW…

The husband still stands at the spot wondering if she meant the country or the bird!!!

Moral lesson: After God, Fear Women!

Gift For Husband

A woman goes to Italy to attend a 2-week, company training session.

Her husband drives her to the airport and wishes her a good trip.

The wife answers, “Thank you, honey, what would you like me to bring for you?”

The husband laughs and says, “An Italian girl!!!”

The woman kept quiet and left.

Two weeks later he picks her up at the airport and asks, “So, honey, how was the trip?”

“Very good, thank you.”

“And, what happened to my present?”

“Which present?” She asked.

“The one I asked for – an Italian girl!!”

“Oh, that,” she said. “Well, I did what I could, now we have to wait for nine months to see if it is a girl!!!”