Home Lifestyle Short stories about good news and bad news.

Short stories about good news and bad news.

Story 1: A man receives a phone call from his doctor.

A man receives a phone call from his doctor.

The doctor says, “I have some good news and some bad news.”

The man says, “OK, give me the good news first.”

The doctor says, “The good news is, you have 24 hours to live.”

The man replies, “Oh no! If that’s the good news, then what’s the bad news?”



The doctor says, “The bad news is, I forgot to call you yesterday.”

It’s just a joke, enjoy it!!!

Now, see more jokes:

Story 2: Good news + Bad news + Good news + Bad news

A woman was nervously waiting at the airport for her husband to return from his skydiving lesson.

The pilot approached her: “I’m sorry, but there’s been an accident. I have some bad news, some good news, some more bad news, and some more good news.

The bad news is your husband fell out of the plane.

The good news is he had his parachute on. The bad news is he hit the ground before his chute could open.



The good news is we hadn’t taken off yet.”

LoLLLL, did you laugh? we hope you love it!

And now is the last joke:

Story 3: George met his lawyer after an urgent call.

“Do you want the bad news first or the terrible news?” the lawyer asked.

“Well, if those are my choices, I guess I’ll take the bad news first.”

“Your wife found a picture worth a half-million dollars.”

“That’s the bad news?” George was stunned? “If you call that bad, I can’t wait to hear the terrible news.”



“The terrible news is that it’s of you and your secretary.”

We hope you had a good time enjoying this joke. Have a nice day, you are loved!