Solve the equation with simple mental calculation
Here is a math equation that is actually quite simple, but you must remember the order of operations to solve it. What to solve first, and what last. Time to see how much you remember.
5 + 7 (2 + 1) = ?
What could the answer be?
Look closely and think, how were you supposed to solve equations with parenthesis?
The correct answer is below.
Math challenge’s solution
Let us see if you are as sharp in math as to when you were little and went to school. The solution will be under the next picture.
The correct answer is 26.
How did we get 26?
According to the order of operations, first, you solve the equation inside the parentheses, 2 + 1, which becomes 3.
Then we multiply 7 by 3, which totals in 21.
What remains is 5 + 21 = 26.
Did you get it right? Good work!