Home Lifestyle Can YOU find the butterfly among the peonies?

Can YOU find the butterfly among the peonies?

This brainteaser has challenged puzzlers to spot the butterfly among the peonies in a garden-themed brainteaser designed to put observation skills to the test.

The record to find the butterfly is 15 seconds — if you can beat that well done! Good luck!”

Take a look at the brain teaser below…

Even the most eagle-eyed puzzlers have struggled to find the butterfly due to its color and size.

Once more time, looking back!

See the answer below:








Can YOU spot three daffodils hidden among the spring flowers?

Players have been challenged to find three daffodils hidden among the vibrant flowers in this spring-themed brainteaser.

According to the creator. The record time to find all three is 40 seconds. Do you have what it takes to beat it?

Do you see the daffodils?

If not, that’s OK.

Keep trying.

Here’s a hint.

It’s hidden behind the flowers near the bottom of the pic.

If you want to see the solution, keep scrolling.

Last chance to turn back!

Here it is:




Can YOU spot three daffodils in less than 40 seconds?